Open Science. Open Data. Open Source

Planscape Science

We work under the principles of open science. Built on the best, peer-reviewed science. We are not developing new science – Planscape brings best-of-breed tools like ForSys, FVS, Gridfire, Treemap, PROMOTe and others in an easy to use tool through a web browser.

Planscape code is openly available for anyone to use, with a public-domain, no-copyright license

We welcome collaborators. Reach out if you’d like to contribute a module, or adapt Planscape for a new geography.

Planscape ingests hundreds of scientifically approved data layers. The sources, descriptions and vintages of each are transparently provided. Users can download any data layers used in Planscape.

Regional Resource Kits and Profiles

Planscape is built on top of hundreds of GIS based data layers from the Regional Resource Kits (RRKs). The kits are are produced and managed by the Science advisory panel of the Wildfire Taskforce.

Regional Resource Kits

Regional Resource Kits and Profiles

Regional Resource Kits

Planscape is built on top of hundreds of GIS based data layers from the Regional Resource Kits (RRKs). The kits are are produced and managed by the Science advisory panel of the Wildfire Taskforce.

Regional Resource Kits

Regional Profiles

The Regional Profile series is a publicly available resource developed by the Task Force’s Science Advisory Panel. The profiles summarize the socio-ecological context of each region, highlight examples of current condition assessments from the associated Regional Resource Kit, and present findings from interviews and surveys about stakeholder priorities and concerns for community and ecosystem resilience.

Regional Profiles

Regional Resource Kits

The Regional Profile series is a publicly available resource developed by the Task Force’s Science Advisory Panel. The profiles summarize the socio-ecological context of each region, highlight examples of current condition assessments from the associated Regional Resource Kit, and present findings from interviews and surveys about stakeholder priorities and concerns for community and ecosystem resilience.

Framework for Resilience

Underpinning the Regional Resource Kits, and hence Planscape, is the Framework for Resilience. This groups factors influencing wildfire resilience and co-benefits into 10 pillars, and has a 3- tier data structure. This allows a Planscape user to view, evaluate and model data across all 10 pillars and at three levels of granularity based on their needs. The Framework was developed by the Tahoe-Central Sierra Initiative.


Pillars are the desired long-term, landscape-scale outcomes of restoring resilience. They include ecological values, such as biodiversity, as well as societal benefits to communities, such as water security.


Elements represent the primary processes and functions that altogether make up a pillar, such as focal species, water quality, or economic health.


quantitative or qualitative terms. Users can use metrics to assess, plan for, measure, and monitor progress towards desired outcomes and greater resilience. While pillars and elements are consistent across the Sierra Nevada, the metrics that a group uses may vary from region to region based on ecological and social differences (for example forest types, economy), available data, and user preferences

Framework for Resilience

Underpinning the Regional Resource Kits, and hence Planscape, is the Framework for Resilience. This groups factors influencing wildfire resilience and co-benefits into 10 pillars, and has a 3- tier data structure. This allows a Planscape user to view, evaluate and model data across all 10 pillars and at three levels of granularity based on their needs. The Framework was developed by the Tahoe-Central Sierra Initiative.


pillars of resilience
Pillars are the desired long-term, landscape-scale outcomes of restoring resilience. They include ecological values, such as biodiversity, as well as societal benefits to communities, such as water security.


Elements represent the primary processes and functions that altogether make up a pillar, such as focal species, water quality, or economic health.


quantitative or qualitative terms. Users can use metrics to assess, plan for, measure, and monitor progress towards desired outcomes and greater resilience. While pillars and elements are consistent across the Sierra Nevada, the metrics that a group uses may vary from region to region based on ecological and social differences (for example forest types, economy), available data, and user preferences


Planscape uses Forsys to help identify optimized projects. Forsys is built and maintained by the USDS Forest Service. ForSys is a flexible platform for exploring landscape management scenarios and optimizing decisions in terms of where and how to achieve landscape restoration and fuel management goals. The model is spatially explicit and uses multi-criteria prioritization and optimization created to rapidly design fuel treatment and restoration scenarios.

Planscape uses Forsys to help identify optimized projects. Forsys is built and maintained by the USDS Forest Service. ForSys is a flexible platform for exploring landscape management scenarios and optimizing decisions in terms of where and how to achieve landscape restoration and fuel management goals. The model is spatially explicit and uses multi-criteria prioritization and optimization created to rapidly design fuel treatment and restoration scenarios.


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