Reforestation Summit

On January 15th 2025, Planscape and American Forests convened a group of over 90 scientists and experts in post-fire reforestation to work on shared goals:

  • Introduce the Planscape Reforestation Module
  • Showcase Recent Scientific Advances and Identify Gaps
  • Establish a Steering Committee for Module Development
  • Draft a Collaborative Paper
  • Expand and Support the Community of Practice for Active Reforestation

In the spirit of openness, we share the slides and videos of all the speaker presentations below. If you’d like to know more or join the effort, please reach out here.

Thanks to for hosting and their support.

Welcome and introductions

Overview of the day. Welcome and thanks

Libby Pansing, American Forests

Teal Dimitrie, Planscape

American Forests & Planscape

Libby Pansing, American Forests 

Carrie Levine, Lead Ecologist, Planscape

Jordan Combs, Product Manager, Planscape

Management Support Tools

Joe Stewart, University of California Davis 

Kyle Rodman, Ecological Restoration Institute, Northern Arizona University

Zack Holden, US Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station

Michelle Jeffries, USGS

Genetics and Assisted Migration

Tom Whitham, Northern Arizona University

Andy Bower, Genetics, US Forest Service Region 1

Jessica Wright, US Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station

Building Resilience

Kim Davis, US Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station

Malcolm North, US Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station

Jim Thorne, University of California Davis 

Seedling Survival & Monitoring

Paula Fornwalt, Colorado State University

Marin Chambers, Colorado Forest Restoration Institute

Aalap Dixit, New Mexico Highlands University, Oklahoma State University

Carlos Gonzalez Benecke, Oregon State University

Reforestation Pipeline Capacity

Josh Sloan, New Mexico Highlands University 

Solomon Dobrowski, University of Montana 

Brian Morris, American Forests

Matt Hurteau, University of New Mexico